ten on ten. january.

i’m participating in something new
(for me)
it’s called
ten on ten.

the idea is to:
Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. 
Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. 

the bathroom.
which needs to be cleaned.

fresh clementines.

Auntie B pushing the littles at the beach.
isn’t she nice?
yes, she is.

something’s gotta happen with that hair.

a paper snowflake D made.

playing the harmonica.

our memory verse.

working on my CBS lesson 
while snuggled up in my most favorite quilt.

the reflection of the beautiful tree in my laptop monitor.

laundry being folded on the table.
a sweet friend just told me that she does this. 
not only does my table have to be clean, 
but the clothes have to be put right away. 
i may have found the answer to my never ending laundry issues. 

ten on ten button

661. new sheets
(thanks, MK!)
662. hand picked cherries
663. fruit smoothies
664. a walk at the beach to clear my head
665. good days.
really good days
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