not a nightmare.

i thought it was a nightmare.
but it wasn’t.
it was, unfortunately, real.

on friday night, while L was asleep,
he had a grand mal seizure.
it was terrifying.

we immediately rushed L to the “hostable” (hospital) as K would say it,
where he was thoroughly examined by
doctor upon
doctor upon

you see, with his diagnosis alone, he is more susceptible to seizures.
but after
test upon
test upon
all the docs could come up with was that
this seizure looks to have been caused by just a cold.
just a cold.
Praise Jesus. 

and, we were released from the “hostable” merely five hours after arriving.
that is record breaking for our family.
record breaking.
Praise Jesus.

L is doing well and is nearly back to normal
from this little cold.
Praise Jesus.

and other than hanging out,
L has mastered a new trick (thanks to B):


and as Auntie B has reminded me
over and
over and
over again,
God has prepared me for this.
and i know exactly what to do.

instead of letting fear take over,
i cling to Him and His Word.

But he said to me, 
“My grace is sufficient for you, 
for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly
about my weaknesses, 
so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

and when i do, 
His perfect peace 
covers over me 
like nothing i could ever experience without Him. 

we are on the other side of this seizure now.
and, the hardest thing about yesterday
was when i was trying to remove the sticky tape
left over from the heart monitors.
and do you know why this was so hard?
well you see, because as i was wiping it off of L,
it was tickling him.
and he couldn’t stop laughing.
Praise Jesus.

i continue to be so comforted by the words in Jesus Calling.
i feel as though He is speaking directly to me.

656. my weakness
657. great doctors
658. a greater God
659. being home as a family
660. sweet little L who continues to strengthen our faith
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