she + him.

we had a visit from Grammy.
it was wonderful.
and yes, all of my laundry is done,
folded and is now put away.
she always brings fun books that B read when he was a child.
if that were a love language, it would be D’s.

thanks to her, B and i got to go on a date last night.
a very fun date.
a surprise very fun date.
a surprise very fun double date.
or triple date.
or quadruple date.
it was awesome.

we went to the hollywood bowl.
B didn’t know who we were seeing until we got there.
and when he read it on the sign, he still didn’t know who we were seeing.
but then, i reminded him that she + him had
the fabulous zooey deschanel
in it.
and yes, she was pretty fabulous.

we went with my sis and 28 of her closest friends.

it was so completely wonderful.
the bowl is a must-do in the summertime.

here are B, Auntie B, Uncle J and me.
and don’t worry… i wasn’t drinking out of the champagne bottle.
and don’t worry… Auntie B wasn’t drinking two glasses.
we were in the middle of making pimosas (patent pending).
pimosas are the very best drink.
Auntie B’s momma invented them.
pomegranate juice + champagne.

and to top the night off, i even got to meet a blog stalker.
hi alicia!

Worship the LORD with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Psalm 100:2

156. the most patient Grammy who was up with (a non-crying but awake)
L for an hour and a half before we got home
157. the giant hunk of german chocolate cake that Grammy left
158. warm summer nights
159. being out of the house past dark
160. being out of the house and outside past dark

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