we sat the big kids down to tell them.
about L.
we figured that they had probably heard it all already.
at doctor’s offices.
while we were on the phone.
to his therapists.
at school.
to friends.
but we wanted to be the ones
to tell them everything.
to explain the brain abnormality.
and the epilepsy.
and the rare disease.
and how we are grateful that
our only choice
is to trust God,
who created us all.
who knit us all together.
even our L.
D, who is our more sensitive child,
was very concerned
and saddened
by the news
that L may never catch up in certain areas
and that his life
might be different than others’ lives.
and K’s response?
“does this mean that i still have to go to bed early?”
He chose the lowly things of this world
and the despised things—
and the things that are not—
to nullify the things that are
1 Corinthians 1:28