picture me {im}perfectly.all the muck

i’m doing a summer Bible study
with some of my dearest friends
(including my sister).
and it has been even more incredible
than i would have
or could have

we are studying
Beth Moore’s
James, Mercy Triumphs.
and people, it’s rocking my world.




in the latest lesson,
Beth talks about bringing her heaps of
muck and mess
and laying them before the throne of Jesus.
and you know what?
i was so convicted
that i am keeping my mess from Him.
i just keep thinking
that if i can just get
this straightened out
or that straightened out,
then oh yes,
then i will be able to be fully present
and do what He has called me to do.

and instead,
i need to heap up all the junk into a big pile before Him
and let Him transform it
into something that glorifies Him.


 take a look at Jen’s sweet post.

The Cheerio gang


picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal
that we don’t have it all together.


i will post a

picture me {im}perfectly

blog post every wednesday

where you will be able to link up to your blog

revealing that:


you are not picture perfect,

your kids are not picture perfect,

your house is not picture perfect,

your crafts are not always picture perfect,




inspire and


other women

that none of us have it all together.

add my button to your blog post
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged.


The Lord Almighty is with us
Psalm 46:11


2246. the artichoke heart my husband willingly gives me
2247. watching K do ballet
2248. hearing about a dear friend’s new pregnancy
2249. the hope that i have in Him
2250. B meeting yet another deadline

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