it’s not illegal.

this is how a recent conversation with my dear friend, KS went:

“i will if you will.”

“and we’ll take the weekends off to prove that we aren’t addicted.”

“it is going to help us be better moms, i just know it.”

don’t worry, we haven’t started doing something illegal.
we have both started drinking coffee.
and it is wonderful.
i get to do something each day that i am able to savor.
i don’t have to share it with anyone else.
the dishes are done throughout the day,
instead of waiting until the kids go to bed at night.
i am more cheerful.
and yes, i am so addicted.
other than that, we’ve just been hanging out
and haven’t been at all tired.

421. hazlenut coffee
422. not yawning uncontrollably
423. a little daily moment just for me
424. L’s sleep
425. D’s interest in the elections
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