it’s those
in-between moments
that have been missing around here.
but not any longer.
and i am relishing
and soaking up
and (trying oh-so-hard)
to be present in
and L has been blossoming.
oh, how he has been progressing.
like we’ve never seen before.
i think he’s been doing this
for a little while now
but we have been so busy
hurrying and scurrying around
that we haven’t seen it.
but it’s there.
in those in-between moments.
those little beautiful things
just waiting to be discovered
and noticed
and seen
and witnessed
and observed
and picked up on
and realized
and found
and uncovered
and caught
and brought to the Light.
and we have glimpsed God’s goodness
right here.
in those in-between moments.
oh, how He’s right here.
Let us acknowledge the Lord;
let us press on to acknowledge him.
As surely as the sun rises,
he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth.
Hosea 6:3
2446. constant jabbering
2447. incredible, incredible new therapists
2448. seeing the bigs at school all the time
2449. so, so, so much clarity
2450. the in-between moments
the moments in-between. Read More »