this little blog of mine.

i really,
want to capture them.
and our oh-so-precious
and fleeting time.
without the endless distractions
distracting me
from what really matters.


i want to focus in on
what is it about this moment.
this. single. moment.
that i want to remember.
of all the moments throughout the day.
what is so special about this one?


this year, i am going to find out.


amidst the
(oh, so exhausting),

i’m going to attempt to
blog like a journal.
like how it all got started
three years ago.


today i prayed
that God would bless me
with the opportunity
to take pictures
of each of my children.




nice pictures,
where they were
looking at the camera
(and maybe even smiling)
for my new header.


i picked one of our few north facing windows
(because you always hear about
north facing windows
from real photographers)
and asked them in my nicest voice.


and bless me, God did.



Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name!
Psalm 103:1


2516. watching L snuggle up in his bed
2517. our tree still lit up
2518. introducing our bigs to mario
2519. L picking our side dish for dinner
2520. pink, fluffy clouds

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