this year.

i’m still writing 2009 on my checks.
i wish i were kidding.
but here we are,
on the brink of a brand new year.


(speaking of new,
be sure to check out
my new blog header)


here are a few of my favorite moments
(in photos of course)
from this last year.


getting to hold hands.

watching him walk.
all on his own.

his finished manuscript.

swim therapy.

tenessee skies.

touring an army base.

cousin love.

an alabama sunset.

boat cruising.

my own little space.

lego creations.

this family visiting.

my little guy.

my first newborn shoot.

this sweet pea.

big bathtubs.

these two and their care for their brother.

(p.s. i don’t think i’m addicted anymore.)

his sensitive heart.

beach days in april.

lots and lots and lots of snow.
and us.

this couple.

visiting picturesque places.


a wonderful friend and her littlest boy.


my little cowboy.

a texas trip.

our masks.

endless book reading.

having to say goodbye
to our most favorite therapist.


mr. + mrs.


mr. + mrs.

our backyard light.

pulling off a big surprise.

finding our happy place.

getting the most perfect tree.

being so moved by this little girl.

incredible light.

how she looks and feels in her glasses.


I will repay you
for the years
the locusts have eaten
Joel 2:25


2506. pictures from K with my maiden name on them
2507. D, who announces “golden hour”
every time he notices it
2508. grocery store helpers
2509. the heat on in the middle of the day
2510. a very messy house.
(i’m trying to embrace this)

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