i haven’t been on here in a while.
it’s been a combination of
not having any time to sit down
along with the children being home.
and then when i do find a sliver of time to sit,
we’ve had internet problems.
but here i am.
and it feels good.
D really,
wanted to go scootering
on the beach boardwalk.
he wants to go fast and far.
i love that.
gives me a chance to push L
in the stroller
and work up a much needed sweat.
K does not like doing this.
not one bit.
so, we compromise
(or we try to at least)
and we change our attitude
and when we realize that
we can’t change our attitude
by ourselves
we pray for God’s mighty strength
to change it.
and He does.
so we continue on the beach boardwalk
with new attitudes
and agree on our stopping place
and where we’ll eat lunch
which is very, very important to K.
and once we get all settled for lunch,
i head down closer to the water
and just be.
i catch up with my thoughts
and enjoy not being talked to
or touched.
just for a moment.
the sound of the waves crashing
blots out all other noises
and this is my most happy place.
i head back up to the children
who are ready to eat.
and i find that L is
just beginning to get upset.
now, this child is
the most
joyful child
i have ever been in the presence of.
so when he is upset,
you know he is
i try a million things to try to
understand why
he is upset
and i try a million things to make it better.
he doesn’t want to eat,
doesn’t want to drink,
doesn’t want anyone else to
eat or drink,
doesn’t want me to put my phone
back in my pocket
so it won’t get buried by the sand,
doesn’t want to point
to show us what he wants.
and this just continues.
so here we are,
on the most beautiful beach,
picnic lunch ready
and he is upset,
which makes me upset
and it’s no longer a happy place
for anyone.
so finally, out of
complete and total desperation,
i decide to take him closer to the water
so that maybe
the sound of the waves crashing
will blot out all other noises for him, too.
and instead,
he gets more upset.
and he tries to get out of my arms.
and then, i realize
(with inspiration from the Holy Spirit)
that all he wants to do it put his feet in the water.
and that we were picnicking so close to the water
but not close enough to get his feet wet
and that is why he was so very upset.
so he and i walk into the water.
and we’re both wearing pants.
but it doesn’t matter
because the cold water feels so great.
and our feet get all sandy and salty.
and then he giggles
as the water rushes back into the ocean,
tickling his legs.
we stay down there for a bit,
and let the sound of the waves crashing
blot out all other noises.
for us both.
except for his giggling.
we head back up
and pick up all of our
fifty thousand belongings
and head to the car.
and now, this most joyful child
is somehow even more joyful.
more joyful.
and now i know that
the beach is his happy place, too.
check out my post here on
we are
all women,
all wives,
all followers of Jesus.
oh, how blessed we are.
one newlywed.
one army wife.
one has her own letterpress studio.
one attempting to capture motherhood (me).
i will put each of our daily
thankful photos
on my blog.
to share with all of you.
we’d love for you to join in this journey.
tag your thankful-gram with
he builds his lofty palace in the heavens
and sets its foundation on the earth;
he calls for the waters of the sea
and pours them out over the face of the land—
the Lord is his name.
Amos 9:6