picture me {im}perfectly.letting go

oh this motherhood thing.
i’ve let go of a lot of things.
like, a ton.
how i do things.
what things i do.
when i do things.
it’s all so very different
than before i became a mother.



this book is a must read.
it’s been on my bookshelf for years
and i only just now opened it up.
and i’m almost done with it.
now, that doesn’t typically happen
as a mother.


in fact, i have way too many books on my
“i want to read this” list.
but this book is so good.
it is so different.
it’s relatable.
and encouraging.
i really, really, really
think you should read it.
in fact, if you click here,
you can read the first chapter
and see what i’m talking about.

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal
that we don’t have it all together.


i will post a

picture me {im}perfectly

blog post every wednesday

where you will be able to link up to your blog

revealing that:


you are not picture perfect,

your kids are not picture perfect,

your house is not picture perfect,

your crafts are not always picture perfect,




inspire and


other women

that none of us have it all together.

add my button to your blog post
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged.


check out my post here on

we are

all women,
all wives,
all followers of Jesus.

oh, how blessed we are.





one newlywed.
one army wife.

one has her own letterpress studio.

one attempting to capture motherhood (me).


i will put each of our daily
thankful photos
on my blog.
to share with all of you.
we’d love for you to join in this journey.
tag your thankful-gram with




“Give thanks to the LORD,
call on his name;
make known among the nations
what he has done.”
1 Chronicles 16:8


2436. long days that end
2437. making cranberry sauce with K
2438. eating said cranberry sauce on vanilla ice cream
2439. having a girls night while the boys are at a cub scout meeting
2440. feeling sore (still)

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