
recently, this little man
has been lost
in what we like to call
book land.


when a book is in front of him,
he doesn’t hear a word i say.
even if i’m serving ice cream.



and if you are at all involved
in the politics of our great country
(which we are all affected by)
B’s hysterically entertaining book,
is a must read.
download it from kindle today
or email me at
to get a signed copy.


even my sweet nephew, E loves this book!


check out my post here on

we are

all women,
all wives,
all followers of Jesus.

oh, how blessed we are.





one newlywed.
one army wife.

one has her own letterpress studio.

one attempting to capture motherhood (me).


i will put each of our daily
thankful photos
on my blog.
to share with all of you.
we’d love for you to join in this journey.
tag your thankful-gram with





He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
Psalm 121:3


2461. pumpkin spice latte
2462. coffee with a sweet friend
2463. a happy L while at coffee shop
2464. the littlest boy who will not stop talking
2465. grace from a neighbor

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