out on the boat.

recently, we got to go out on the boat.
and it was lovely.

i think taking photos on a boat
on a very sunny day
may be my most favorite place
to take photos.

the lighting is fantastic
and the faces are cheerful.



while on the boat, we get to see all sorts of activity
while we just sit back and let the kids drive.


 and this time, my dad brought the rice cooker
on board and we had an oatmeal feast!



i got photos with just my boys



and then with all of my kiddos!


the water was calm and the sun was shining.
oh, was it ever.


we even got to spend some time with Uncle S.


and of course, waved to our friends.


B snapped this one.




and everybody got lots of love.


we went on a different route this time


and all were quite excited.


then we had a good discussion on teeth.


our dentist told D that in the dental world,
he becomes an adult
when he gets his new molars
in the back.


well, looky there.
one is popping up in the back left.
he’s becoming a man before our very own eyes.


Aunt WW and soon to be Uncle B
came along as well.


their wedding date is rapidly approaching
(don’t stress out, Aunt WW!)



and then, they got very sleepy
(hence K not smiling in this photo).



But I will sing of your strength,

in the morning I will sing of your love;

for you are my fortress,

my refuge in times of trouble.

Psalm 59:16



1936. new blinds

1937. only having to empty the dishwasher

1938. hard boiled egg smashed into little faces

1939. time to come apart

1940. silhouettes at church



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