our Christmas celebrations continued.
oh, how they continued.
we got to talk to Gramma Pink via skype
on Christmas morning.
that was such a treat
because she had never skyped before.
yes, it was really special.
then, we headed to B’s mom’s house
for the next celebration.
D, K and L smothered their Grammy,
along with all of the cousins.
her tree, looking as beautiful as can be.
and the newest cousin, JM,
sleeping through the festivities.
then we headed to the next stop:
Papa and GramMary’s!
where we had seven-and-a-half hours of opening gifts.
and yes, we have finally recovered from that.
we then headed to our next and final stop.
Great Grammy and That Guy’s
Christmas celebration.
and this photo.
oh, this photo.
may just be my new favorite.
(thanks, Aunt WW!)
one of my favorite places to take photos.
on the edge of the dock.
and this was our little L,
all bundled up in the stroller
ready to check out the lights
on our annual walk.
the last photo of the Christmases.
we made it.
and now, a happy birthday to my mom!
For Christ did not send me to baptize,
but to preach the gospel—
not with words of human wisdom,
lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.
1 Corinthians 1:17