last friday was a
draining day.
not for any big reasons
but for a million little things
that were happening all week long.
which finally culminated on friday.
i have been having to fight for some of L’s services
which only leaves me angry and exhausted.
especially because the decisions being made
are completely illogical.
L has been really, really fussy lately.
and that is really not L at all.
on wednesday, B and i devoted the day to prayer
and that afternoon we discovered
(thanks to God)
that L’s incision was slightly infected.
so we started him on antibiotics
and he is back to his normal self, yet again.
K’s been extra clingy
because of L’s extreme fussiness
and has been requesting
to sleep in a crib and
has been eating all of her meals in his high chair.
i know it’s just a phase,
but having two babies in the house
is more than i am used to.
and then things got worse…
at the end of the week,
i heard a knock on the door
and it was our beloved mailman, Barry.
but he didn’t have any packages that i needed to sign for.
he instead told me that it was his last day,
that he was retiring.
he didn’t want to leave us
wondering what had happened to him.
and you know what?
that was the thing that pushed me over the edge.
every single day, when the mail is delivered,
my children yell “thank you, barry!”
and every single day,
Barry replies, “you’re welcome!”
we will surely miss him.
i’m so grateful that it’s a new week
and a new, fresh start.
so very grateful.
1176. a baby who is not normally fussy
1177. L’s sass
1178. overcast in the am
which makes for some nice lighting for photos
1179. a family filled weekend
1180. buttercream icing