just two girls.

a few weeks ago, 
we headed north to be with B’s family
because our nephew had his first communion.

i think it was clear to everyone around 
that our children were not from a Catholic family.
let’s just say that there were a couple bathroom trips 
and a lot of snacks given.
because, there were.

we loved spending so much time with all of them.

you see, there have been a lot of 
babies born between our family and theirs.

2003 (their family)
2004 (their family)
2005 (our family)
2006 (their family)
2007 (our family)
2008 (their family)
2009 (our family)
2010 – nobody
2011 (their family) baby due in the fall

and so far, there are only two girls. 
one for us and 
one for them.
which makes for some fun 
and wild times.

i think one of these girls wants a little sister
and one of these girls wants a big sister.
it does help that they have matching curly hair.
and thanks to their Grammy, 
a lot of matching clothes.

B’s sweet sister and her family,
along with Grammy.

1181. waffles for dinner
1182. sitting at our red table
1183. fresh flowers
1184. laughing hard at memories
1185. a husband who deals with 
the number of visits from 
children after they’ve been put to bed.
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