the sun has been shining.
really shining.
and boy, does it feel good.
even the air smells good.
so very good.
this is the first time in nearly two years
that i have felt rested.
truly rested.
the kids and i have been outside as much as possible as of late.
we’ve even ventured out for a wagon ride in the 8am hour.
yes, i said 8am.
that is simply unheard of around here.
(thanks for the photo, iphone!)
here, L was happily sitting in the wagon
watching D and K do watercolors of our big tree.
it was glorious.
simply glorious.
i feel as though i have been awakened.
God is opening my eyes to the right now.
the right here.
and i am in awe of His blessings.
the blessings that i was blind to before.
the simple things that make life oh so full.
and i don’t want to go back to how i felt before.
I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.
John 10:10b
God is opening my eyes to the right now.
the right here.
and i am in awe of His blessings.
the blessings that i was blind to before.
the simple things that make life oh so full.
and i don’t want to go back to how i felt before.
I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.
John 10:10b

866. mister sun, sun, mister golden sun
867. faith blogs
868. the time change
869. hanging with my sis
870. being awakened by Him
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