ten on ten. february.

here’s my ten on ten!

all loaded up on our way to CBS for the morning.

all bundled up in the car 
in the chilly 51 degree weather.

waiting for B to come home for lunch.

playing in the front yard.

a little spider web.
don’t you just love the bright blue
from the recycling bin in the background?
i do.

a special, special treat for lunch.
B had to drive far to pick this up.

working on some valentine bookmarks for
D’s preschool class.

feeding little L lunch.

look at those eyes and that wild, wild hair.

a new prescription for the little guy.
(more on this soon.)

ten on ten button

751. my anxiety slowly decreasing
752. the hope we have not in the world but in Christ
753. chick-fil-a
754. many, many new things L is doing all of a sudden
755. choco hoto pots 
(i’m sure this has been on here before)
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