one of those days.

it’s been one of those days.
yeah, you know exactly what i’m talking about.
the kids have been super wild lately,
like there’s been sugar floating through the air
that they are getting hyper on by just merely breathing or something.
i can’t figure it out.
but they are wearing me out.

i’ve set up art projects for said wild children,
to distract them while i hurry and get dressed for the day.
but it ends up taking longer to set up the activities and
then after the four minutes of glorious peace that they give me,
where i get ready for the day as quickly as humanly possible,
they ask me “what’s next?”
then, it takes me
longer to clean the activities up.
(yeah, you know exactly what i’m talking about.)
actually, it’s been one of those weeks.
i’ve been in survival robot mode because of this impending mediation for L.
i am so looking forward to that being over and done with.
soon, soon enough.
i didn’t even brush my teeth before taking D to school this morning.
i know, gross.
but that’s mostly
(but not entirely)
due to the fact that i hadn’t eaten breakfast by the time we left.
i know, still gross.
i have barely been able to keep up with the laundry
(more of a problem than usual).
and to top it off, this little one
has been pretending she’s a fussy, whiny, crying baby.
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart!
I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
306. preschool
307. other special needs moms who get it
308. dream dinners
309. tea parties with K
310. mary poppins soundtrack
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