ten on ten

ten on ten.july

here’s my ten on ten for this month!



1- soft boiled eggs, our morning ritual
2- steamed milk
3- flowers on my wall
4- art projects
5- clue
6- momma’s lunch
7- naptime
8- my favorite light
9- little butterfly
10- the bigs couldn’t be more different

Ah, Sovereign Lord,
you have made the heavens and the earth
by your great power and outstretched arm.
Nothing is too hard for you.
Jeremiah 32:17


3401. summer rest time
3402. a painting project
3403. strawberries, strawberries, strawberries
3404. face timing with the baby nephew
3405. sunshine + quiet


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ten on ten.june

here’s my ten on ten for this month!


1- tea party
2- go big or go home
3- the floor of my car. always
4- teacher gifts
5- peach season
6- three darling flowers
7- putting her to work
8- if i bring this, D will run any errands with me
9- pasta for dinner
10- the most amazing light

3346. hearing the according being played outside
3347. getting that bill straightened out
3348. help is on the way
3349. so many celebrations
3350. rest

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ten on ten.may


1- legos, legos, everywhere.
and a butter knife (obviously).
2- and superheros
3- L with one of the sweetest girls we know
4- some of our favorite books!
5- unfinished to do lists from this week
6- a special mother’s day treat
7- them.
8- D’s most precious gift to me
9- her drawing of me
10- afternoon shadows


Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess,
for he who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23


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ten on ten.april

happy ten on ten!




1- humidified night
2- chalk swirls
3- the loveliest eggs
4- two little loves
5- coffee date
6- star wars is taking over my mantle
7- looking over homework together
8- stripes + fresh toes
9- purple petals
10- her fort


“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross,
so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness;
“by his wounds you have been healed.”
1 Peter 2:24


3251. surprises for the kiddos
3252. an organized list
3253. them watching L
3254. L pointing to himself
3255. open house at school


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ten on ten.march

happy ten on ten!

1- frozen fruit for their oatmeal
2- light through the trees
3- building a house for Buzz
4- clouds
5- birds on wires
6- reflection through a picture frame
7- bilibo
8- making homemade bubbles
9- making a list of H words for L
10- he’s got his daddy’s eyelashes

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:8-9

3191. still no seizures
3192. the best smoothie ever
3193. major help with the bath
3194. her darling notes to each one of us
3195. pizza dinner with my love

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ten on ten.february

i just love ten on ten days!


1- i shrieked when i found this
“fun” remote controlled rattlesnake on my desk
2- we found this leaf on our walk
3- a lovely morning out with Auntie B
4- just got some prints made from D’s birthday party
5- web blowing in the breeze
6- the out of control color coded calendar
7- snacks and homework
8- everyone’s favorite stop
9- hope heals.
that is, hope in God heals.
10- moon and palms


And hope does not put us to shame,
because God’s love has been poured out
into our hearts through the Holy Spirit,
who has been given to us.
Romans 5:5


3136. doing the dishes in eight minutes
3137. enough time when putting L to bed
3138. no seizures today
3139. their forgiveness
3140. the light pouring through the tree


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ten on ten.november

happy ten on ten!
this month’s theme is
a full harvest.



1- biscuits for breakfast (from a can)
2- when is that dishwasher not full?
3- obligatory hot cocoa after church
4- the hills are alive
5- under branches with glowing leaves
6- soap suds and the breakfast pan
7- she’s drawing on paper, he’s drawing on her arm
8- ten for dinner
9- an assortment of fruit
10- bread for dinner (from a bag)


And this is what he promised us—eternal life.
1 John 2:25


2991. kids playing in the dirt
2992. being outside. a lot.
2993. margins in our sunday
2994. dinner with friends
2995. a weekend that overflowed

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ten on ten.october

here’s this month’s 10 on 10!



1- before breakfast
2- after breakfast
3- leaf shadows bouncing on the wall
4- he couldn’t be happier
5- pumpkin spice bars from tj’s
6- editing
7- the day’s drink of choice
8- homework, first
9- video games, second
10- the afternoon light pouring in


Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.
Psalm 62:1


2936. just enough time to take a shower
2937. moments in the margins
2938. prep for the birthday girl
2939. running errands all by my lonesome
2940. coffee with my lunch


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