i just love ten on ten days!
1- i shrieked when i found this
“fun” remote controlled rattlesnake on my desk
2- we found this leaf on our walk
3- a lovely morning out with Auntie B
4- just got some prints made from D’s birthday party
5- web blowing in the breeze
6- the out of control color coded calendar
7- snacks and homework
8- everyone’s favorite stop
9- hope heals.
that is, hope in God heals.
10- moon and palms
And hope does not put us to shame,
because God’s love has been poured out
into our hearts through the Holy Spirit,
who has been given to us.
Romans 5:5
3136. doing the dishes in eight minutes
3137. enough time when putting L to bed
3138. no seizures today
3139. their forgiveness
3140. the light pouring through the tree