
life has been real.
life has been intense.
life has been real intense.

it has been a really intense season for us.
too intense and too personal for me to share.
and some of what i’ve been going through isn’t my story to tell.
but just know that it’s been tough and real and He has been there.
equipping me in every single moment.
His presence and His comfort and His power,
have all been unmistakably here.

even the unripened oranges on B’s orange tree
are stressed out and have split from the inside out.
they just couldn’t handle the pressure of growing anymore
and have just split right open.
and now, all of their unripened flesh is visible.

but i am hopeful that we are on the cusp of something different.
instead of getting through the next thing,
i have recently been able to reflect
and see where God has brought us
and see glimpses of where He has us heading toward.
and for that, i am grateful.

i am trying to make self-care a priority these days.
i fail at it most of the time
but i am becoming more and more aware
of the necessity for me to
“come apart or i will come apart”
as my old Bible study teacher would say.

and because i have been able to take a few pauses,
i’m inspired.
really inspired.
i’m inspired to share the story
of the life that He has given me.
i’m inspired to take moments to just take it all in.
i’m grateful.
so very grateful
for this wild and full and busy and loud and lovely life
that He has blessed me with.
i’ve had a chance to breathe in
and also to exhale.
which i’m learning is equally as important.

I have set the Lord always before me;
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
Psalm 16:8

3736. fudge making season
3737. the bigs helping so much
3738. Christmas music on
3739. the coziest of nights
3740. how well B knows me

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