those rare moments.

do you know what i love?
what i crave?
it’s those
in between

those are my favorite.
and how i love the silence, they offer.
it’s so good for my soul.

like when i notice the tiniest drop of water
resting on L’s eyelash during bathtime.
when he makes sure that i see everything
he’s doing in the bath tub.

those are the rich moments.
the moments i so often miss.
those moments bring so much more to my weary soul,

his deep chuckles over L the penguin.
when L runs toward the physical therapist’s office.
L and K holding hands while we work on walking.
the way he cracks us all up.
the sweet bunting on his bedspread.
God bringing D peace while he’s at school.
Comforting him.

those are the moments.
those are the moments i love.

Be completely humble and gentle;
be patient,
bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2

3111. bubbles all over the bathroom
3112. a new chance tomorrow
3113. no seizures for L!
3114. getting out early
3115. looking through old photos

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