happy ten on ten!
1 – making some giant bubble mix
2 – the big pie
3 – her help flattening the crust for her little pies
(bought from tj’s)
4 – new dishes make emptying the dishwasher
somehow more fun
5 – she asked if i would straighten it today
6 – mini pumpkin pies
7 – his nose is always stuck in a book
8 – waking him from his nap
(i wish it was this hard to wake him up in the morning)
9 – creating birthday cards
10 – “heart” in her fanciest writing
today was a day full of cleaning up messes
and then making more of them.
i think we’ve ended the day in neutral…
or at least that’s my hope.
But just as he who called you is holy,
so be holy in all you do;
for it is written:
“Be holy, because I am holy.”
1 Peter 1:15-16