christmas.part 2

  we had a ton of fun at our second Christmas.






and then my cell phone got eaten by a piano for 24 hours.
we couldn’t even see it and forget about reaching it.

i’m the most blessed daughter-in-law in history
because my most gracious mother-in-law
actually thanked me,
she thanked me,
because she was really behind on getting her piano tuned
and my phone getting stuck inside her piano
was a perfect reason for her to call her piano guy.

he recused it out and it was in my hot little hands not soon after.
but please learn from me,
and do not place your phone
anywhere near the top of a piano.


Through him you believe in God,
who raised him from the dead and glorified him,
and so your faith and hope are in God.

1 Peter 1:21


3051. the best food

3052. lots and lots of little ones
3053. sunrises
3054. sunsets
3055. a big cup of jo

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