not too long ago,
we got to sneak away on a trip
(much, much more on that soon).
B had to stay home and work
so it was just me and the kids.
i’m frugal
(this can also sometimes
be known as stubborn)
so we didn’t check any bags.
we did pack really lightly though:
3 outfits,
counting what we wore traveling,
per person.
but packing for the trip
reminded me of childbirth.
and not in a good way.
i wanted to give up
or wish the task upon someone else… anyone else.
but somehow, everything we needed got packed
and then we were off.
if you’re a mother,
then you know that
traveling with children
is difficult.
it’s not really fun.
i would go as far as to say it’s not fun at all.
but i think every parent knows that
going into those sorts of adventures.
this photo was taken on our shuttle
after i completely broke down at the airport.
with only one leg to go.
so i just want you to keep all of this in mind.
always remembering to picture me {im}perfectly.
if you feel so inclined,
link up with a photograph
revealing your {im}perfections.