
if any of you are like me
and have asked God, “why?”
then you need to watch this sermon.
you need to.


it’s from Britt Merrick, Daisy Love’s dad
before she went to be with Jesus.


Britt Merrick | When Sparrows Fall from Reality on Vimeo.

(or click here to watch the video.)


and have you heard of the band,
All Sons and Daughters?
oh. my. goodness.
they have been playing non-stop in our house.

(or click here to watch the video)


May the God of hope
fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in him,
so that you may overflow with hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13


2541. driving in my sister’s car.
all by myself
2542. the perfect music
2543. sermon + walking
2544. a week of fun ahead
2545. encouraging texts that point to Him

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