not a sneak peek.

here are some more photos 
from the little shoot i did 
with my cousin and her husband.
(for the sneak peek, click here)

the little pumpkin.

they’re having a boy
and his name is a secret!
we kept our names secret with D and K 
but named L when i was hospitalized at 29 weeks.
i loved keeping the two names a surprise .

the happy momma-to-be.

my favorite photo from the day.
hands down.

and a nice little thank you to the sailor 
who’s boat made it into this shot. 

so far, every single shoot i have done at the beach 
has had an incredible sunset.
what a precious and memorable gift from God.

reflection shots are some of my favs.

and that blue hue of the water just gives me goosebumps.

this might also be my favorite photo of the shoot.
it’s so hard to decide.

us girls.

the end.

I will be like the dew to Israel; 
he will blossom like a lily. 
Hosea 14:5

1561. the dew on the grass
1562. reading at the park with D
1563. coffee after breakfast. 
not as breakfast.
1564. doing puzzles with the bigs
1565. the opportunity to be creative
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