last, last weekend,
all three of my siblings
and their “friends”
(as my dad would call them)
were under one roof.
it was monumental.
so we all joined in and played a rousing game of trivial pursuit.
my parents actually have four trivial pursuits,
and all are pre-1981.
this rad photo was taken by B
who perfectly captured my sister
being completely offended
that her answer was not correct.
B and i thought that since we were the eldest
that we would have the advantage.
but my sister, Aunt WW, and her boyfriend came from behind to take the title.
here’s Aunt CC and her husband dealing with the loss.
but that was after we tried convincing my brother’s girlfriend
that while she was on the phone
he nearly won the game.
she didn’t believe it for even a second.
and while my brother didn’t even come close to winning the game,
he certainly won for having the funniest answers .
he is hilarious.
really, truly.
1496. game nights
1497. doing crafts with K
1498. a new (hopeful) OT
1499. going to bed early
1500. chocolate covered popcorn