
well, it’s about that time we say 
farewell to summer.

(a dog, obviously)

you’ve been good to us.
so very good to us this year.

(i have no idea)

we have enjoyed some lovely sun-filled days 
at the beach
and the pool 
and you have provided many quiet moments 
among a surprisingly rigid and 
unrelenting summer schedule.

(again, no idea)

we will always look back at this summer 
and think about all of the lovely ways 
in which we enjoyed our time with you.
and we will always remember this 
as the last summer before D enters kindergarten.

even though i didn’t even get close to 
implementing my summer schedule
(a lot of that will hopefully be put into a fall schedule)
we still had an intentional and fulfilling summer.

(a playdough man) 

It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; 
you made both summer and winter.
Psalm 74:17

1426. giggling children although they should be sleeping
1427. an absolutely incredible sunset
1428. talking books with a seven year old
1429. a painting project with my B
1430. a two hour “planning” meeting
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