tea time.

K and i got to go to a girls-only tea party this past weekend.
on the way there i told K that this was her very first real tea party.
she let me know that she doesn’t like tea.

it was hosted by lovely Mrs. H and her sweet little girl.
(K has recently named this doll-house-mommy,
Mrs. H because of her resemblance to the real one.)

we got all dolled up with our matching dresses.
(you know that i would not miss out on an opportunity to wear matching dresses.)

although, i hadn’t worn this dress since last Easter when i was still nursing L.
it didn’t quite fit as well as it did when some of my parts were bigger.
(dad, i’m sorry that was tmi.)

a sweet story was read,

and delicious tea, lemonade and goodies were eaten.

the tea party concluded with what always concludes tea time…
princess dress-up time.


941. girl time with my K
942. all the scrumptious goodies we consumed
943. strawberry scones
944. two hours to myself on saturday 
(i got my to do list in order!)
945. a taste of summertime

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