real life is messy.forgotten

i forgot that one little thing at home
and had to run back to get it.


photo (6)


having a rare moment
in the car alone
sipping my
(also forgotten)
but still mostly hot coffee.


real life is messy
is a weekly project to reveal
that i don’t have it all together.
because real life is messy.


i will post a
blog post every week
and encourage you to
reveal your messy real life to others
by using this hashtag on instagram:


and a special thanks to all the ladies
who joined in the
#reallifeismessy on instagram.
keep ’em coming.
let’s change hearts and minds in blogland.


And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28


2931. cool mornings and warm afternoons
2932. avocados
2933. more and more and more sleep
2934. not getting panicked
2935. twinkly lights in our front yard

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