picture me {im}perfectly.things aren’t always as they seem.

things aren’t always as they seem.
you know that my dear friend, KS
and her kids came for a very short visit.
they were here for less than 48 hours.

so of course, we soaked up every last second we could with them.
on our one big day with all the kids,
we headed to the beach because just in case you didn’t know,
they don’t have them in wichita.
but, they do have
lakes and
lots of golf courses and
huge houses and
yards there.
just not the pacific.
so we headed there.
and since we were there, 
we snuck in a little shoot
because you know i can’t resist doing that.

but while i was trying to take a couple quick shots of their sweet family
(minus dad who was already back home, working)
my little ones were in the background.
L was on my back in the ergo
(not the most ideal place while taking photos, but it works).
K was trying to jump in nearly every frame
to play with her friend, A
and D was threatening to run away.
he was upset that we were at the beach 
but not going to the water.
so, it was not the most ideal shooting situation.
but, we made it work.
it just wasn’t pretty.

i think the photos turned out well
but that’s in large part to the fact that i have
gorgeous friends
on the inside and out
who have gorgeous babies.

and, that mini-chocolate chips were given
at every 
smile or 
grin or 
at the camera as a reward.
please note, i do not bribe my children
(or other children)
except when i am taking photos.

this little man busied himself by digging a hole.

and seriously, is she not statuesque?

these little girls had the best time.

and i love the slide in the background 
of this shot as her favorite color is yellow
(just like my mother-in-law).

he gave me plenty of happy grins

and the three of them
absolutely melted my heart.

i adore her.

and so does he.

he is so comfortable in his momma’s lap.

and this one might be my favorite from the whole shoot.

or this one.

or this one.

and here is my guy putting on a happy face.

this actually might be one of my most favorite photos.
poor little P was definitely done for the day,
so his beautifully long eyelashes
were moist from his tears.
i couldn’t resist taking this photo.

and this little face

completely influenced this little face.

and oh, that hair!

sweet little friends.

and my lovely friend Jackie linked up last week 
and i don’t know about you 
but i could totally relate with her post.

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
until next wednesday
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

And my God will meet all your needs 
according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

1531. my sweet K’s birthday
1532. remembering her birth
1533. the non-puffy clouds
1534. taking a different route home
1535. army guy figurines

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