happy, happy thanksgiving.

happy, happy thanksgiving.

i don’t know about you,
but after i have studied
a book of the Bible
it never, ever looks the same.


that is how i am feeling right now.
you may remember that i started
a beth moore study on the book of James
this summer.


and i am going through James once again.
on my own.
and it is hitting even harder this time.
the words of truth
are even more true
in my life right now
than they were even this summer.


and it is amazing to witness
the Holy Spirit bringing things out in my life
that i thought were all fine and dandy.
ever experienced that?
yeah, me too.
and isn’t it painful and glorious?
it sure is.


this verse just sticks right out
like a ray of sunshine
on a cloudy day to me:


But He gives us more grace.
(James 4:6)


oh, His Words are good.
they are so, so good to my
sun-drenched soul.



and these words are good, too.
this and this are a must read.
a must, i tell you.


check out my post here on

we are

all women,
all wives,
all followers of Jesus.

oh, how blessed we are.





one newlywed.
one army wife.

one has her own letterpress studio.

one attempting to capture motherhood (me).






i will put each of our daily
thankful photos
on my blog.
to share with all of you.
we’d love for you to join in this journey.
tag your thankful-gram with


I will refresh the weary
and satisfy the faint.
Jeremiah 31:25


2426. His unending grace
2427. nice lighting after art class
2428. not having to make the kids’ dinner
2429. chance to take a breath
2430. getting help from B

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