picture me {im}perfectly.in the kitchen

i like to bake.
i like it much better than cooking.
but this doesn’t necessarily mean 
that i am good at baking. 

(actually, i think i could be good at a lot of things
if i only did those things one at a time 
rather than too many things at the same time.
but that is not my life right now.)

over the weekend, we celebrated Auntie B’s birthday
and the kids and i picked out 
a glorious, glorious cake
that would be simply perfect for the occasion. 

layer after layer
(from this beautiful little blog)

isn’t it lovely?
well, i messed up while making the whipped cream
(i know, like the simplest thing one could make).
i made a silly assumption
(note to self: don’t ever, ever 
make assumptions while in the kitchen)
i didn’t have enough heavy cream so i thought i’d 
just add a little whole milk.
and then a little more powdered sugar. 
and then when that didn’t work, 
i put it in the freezer for an hour.
and it was still runny. 

and so, we had the cake
just minus everything else.  

yeah, it was pretty sad looking. 
but it did taste scrumptious.
and i don’t think Auntie B minded at all.
but then again, she didn’t see the photo 
of what the cake should have looked like.
now she’s going to mind.

be sure to head over to
because i simply loved her 
vulnerability and honesty 
from her linked-up post last week.

picture me {im}perfectly
is a weekly project to reveal that we don’t have it all together.

i will post a 
picture me {im}perfectly
blog post every wednesday 
where you will be able to link up to your blog
revealing that:

you are not picture perfect,
your kids are not picture perfect,
your house is not picture perfect,
your crafts are not always picture perfect,

inspire and 
other women 
that none of us have it all together.  

add my button to your blog post
and link up to your direct posting
and feel encouraged. 

1381. playdates with Katherine Wolf and her son
1382. chocolate cake
1383. having photos to edit
1384. having time to edit photos
1385. pandas on shirts

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