just another day.

just another day at our house. 

army guys on the windowsill. 

pink tutus and a stack of books.

mommy showing off her old ballet moves to music from the nutcracker.
and what is that slightly pink hue at the bottom of the photo, you ask?
K’s pink tutu, of course.

and don’t forget, 
the voting begins on saturday!
p.s. be sure to check out my new header and photos on the sidebar!

476. no seizures
477. an early evening walk in search of leaves
478. dinner ready at 6pm on the dot.
479. clean laundry 
(nevermind that it’s waiting to be folded)
480. L’s OT who commented on his progress today

4 thoughts on “just another day.”

  1. I didn't know you did ballet! Just another reason to love you! I mentioned you today in my GHF!! Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  2. dont you love the little reminders that our homes are "childfilled"? I love finding lost toys too…its a reminder that playtime is always happening even under the fridge.

  3. Lisa, An American Mom

    Hi Hill, I am loving your blog. I've been reading for a couple weeks and just think its so sweet. And inspiring too. Hope you have a great weekend.

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